Texting more dangerous than drunk driving
A test by Car and Driver magazine showed that texting is more dangerous than driving drunk. A Virginia Tech study showed that texting is 17 times more dangerous than just talking on the phone. A Harris poll showed that 66% of respondents admitted to texting while driving, though 89% think the practice should be banned.
L.A. Times, 2010Cell phone use as dangerous as driving drunk
University of Utah researchers tested subjects’ braking ability while talking on a cellphone or driving drunk. The cellphone drivers did worse. Three of them even crashed into the pace car, while none of the drunks did. CNET, July 2006
Cellphone-driving is just as dangerous as drunk-driving, according to a study in the New England Journal of Medicine. Reuters, 1997
Hands-free phones just as dangerous as hand-held…or worse
Impairment between hands-free phone drivers and drunk drivers was about the same. Touro University, 2013 Twenty-one percent of crashes involve talking on a phone (hand-held or hands-free). If talk time is less than 21% of drive time, then cell phone use is correlated with crashing. National Safety Council, 2012
Cognitively-demanding hands-free phone conversations were equivalent to BAC of 0.07 to 0.10. Traffic Injury Prevention, 2012
New Jersey statistics show that talking on a hands-free cell phone while driving can be just as dangerous as talking on a hand-held phone. A motorist is also almost as likely to be injured or killed when involved in a crash while using a hands-free cell phone, vs. no phone. The problem with handheld phones isn’t that they tie up your hands, it’s that they tie up your mind. That’s why switching to a headset doesn’t make it any safer. Press of Atlantic City, 2010
The government has known that hands-free phones as just as dangerous as hand-held since 2003, but kept the information secret. A consumer group is now suing the government for not sharing this information with the public. Public Citizen, 2009
“Even hands-free phones appear to contribute to unsafe driving. A 2005 study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety found that drivers using cell phones – even hands-free – were four times as likely to have an accident involving an injury.” ABC News, 2009
“Findings suggest that using a hands-free mobile phone while driving may lead to a low-to-moderate crash risk in young adults with normal visual function.” Acta Opthalmal, 2008
Hands-free cell phones are involved in more accidents (14 percent) than handheld cell phones (4 percent), according to a study published in the Journal of American College Health. Indiana University, 2006
Drivers using hands-free or handheld phones were more impaired than those driving drunk. University of Utah, 2006
Mythbusters’ test showed hand-free phone use to be more of an impairment than drunk driving. Mythbusters, 2005
Hands-free mobile phone conversation impairs the peripheral visual system to an extent comparable to an alcohol level of 4-5 g 100 ml. Human Psychopharmacology, 2005
Researchers tested hands-free mobile use and found it to be just as dangerous as driving with a cell phone in your hand. University of Illinios, 2005
Of course, the question arises, if phone use is so dangerous, is it just as dangerous to have a conversation with a passenger inside the car? NHTSA says: “Some research findings show both activities to be equally risky, while others show cell phone use to be more risky. A significant difference between the two is the fact that a passenger can monitor the driving situation along with the driver and pause for, or alert the driver to, potential hazards, whereas a person on the other end of the phone line is unaware of the roadway situation. However, when two or more teens are in the vehicle, crash risk is increased. And while we can’t say for sure this is attributable to distraction, we are confident that distraction plays a role.”
Also Read: Car Criticism
Report: Using Car Phones Is as Dangerous as Driving Drunk
February 13, 1997
©Reuters Ltd. All rights reserved ©FOX News Network 1997. All rights reserved.
BOSTON – The risk of having a traffic accident while using a cellular phone is the same as that while driving drunk, according to a study appearing in Thursday’s New England Journal of Medicine. University of Toronto researchers found cell phone users four to five times more likely to get into traffic accidents than those who do not use them. “Telephones that allowed the hands to be free did not appear to be safer than hand-held telephones,” they said. “This may indicate that the main factor in most motor vehicle collisions is a driver’s limitations in attention rather than dexterity.” An editorial by Malcolm Maclure of the Harvard School of Public Health and Murray Mittleman of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston said the research was the first “direct evidence that the use of cellular telephones in cars contributes to roadway collisions.”
The Toronto study by Dr. Donald Redelmeier and Robert Tibshirani said the risk “is similar to the hazard associated with driving with a blood alcohol level at the legal limit.”
A definitive study with people randomly assigned cellular phones so their accident rates could be checked was unlikely because it would be difficult and possibly unethical. Representatives of the cellular phone industry were quick to cite what they said were the study’s shortcomings. The Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association, a trade group, said in a statement that the study dealt with an association between accidents and the phones. The researchers did not directly assess whether the phones caused accidents. The association also said cell phone use was way up and traffic injuries were down, showing users drive safely.
Nonetheless, the findings were likely to reverberate through the cell phone and insurance industries, and among drivers and government regulators as well. About 35 million Americans have cell phones. Brazil, Israel and Australia have banned the use of cellular telephones while driving and the new finding may spark similar moves, even though the researchers stressed that there are benefits to the phones, such as the ability of drivers to make emergency calls quickly.
Driver error was responsible for more than 90 percent of motor vehicle collisions, which were the top cause of death among children and young adults, the researchers said.
Redelmeier and Tibshirani used 13 months of accident data and phone billing records of 699 volunteers to pinpoint the time of the accident and determine when a cell phone customer was last using the phone. They also made some statistical adjustments to account for the intermittence of driving.
Among their findings:
– The risk of an accident was nearly five times higher than normal when a person was on the telephone one minute or five minutes before the accident. The typical call in the study lasted nearly 2 1/2 minutes.
– The collision rate was four times higher than expected when the call was made less than 15 minutes before the accident.
– Only after the driver had been off the phone for more than 15 minutes did the risk seem to dissipate.
– Younger and older drivers with a cell phone faced essentially the same risk.
– “Subjects with many years of experience in using a cellular telephone still had a significant increase in risk,” but the highest risk was among people who had not graduated from high school.